As a hard heart takes over, the desire, want and need for the God of the universe begins to drown. But a promise was made when I accepted You and asked You to dwell in my heart forever, no matter the circumstances, you promised You would never leave me. Have I at times felt you not there, yes, but deep down do I believe that to be true, no. I felt alone, I talked with no response, I acted with no sense of your help present. However, I know you were there, You did pull through, and I am deeply sorry that it took me so long to turn back. Jesus I desire to want you, all of you, and when (like right now) when that desire is not on fire, I want to want you even more. I know I need you, and this is my plea for you to come, explore my heart, mend its broken pieces, and be the glue that it needs to be beautiful again. For You, oh God, are what makes me whole. You knit me together in my mothers' womb and I praise You for the beautiful creation that You have created me to be.
Jesus, You tell me to be still. Your beauty, more magnificent than the sun rise, more extravagant than the most amazing sunset. The colors that you have created within the sky, trees, mountains, waters, plants and flowers.
Dasies. My most favorite flower because of the beautiful color of yellow that pops with the surrounding white petals against any color of backdrop. They stand so tall and any way they bend still produce the most beautiful array of flowers ever. A dasiy is simple, yet elegant. One flower can stand alone and hold just as much beauty as if it were in a bunch. I see myself as a daisy, whether alone or in a bunch, I stand out amongst any backdrop. My colors are vibrant as is my soul, yet I am simple.
I am a beautiful daisy, created by the God who knit me together just as I am. I come to You Father, asking for your sunlight to help me grow up, closer to You. What a beautiful picture You have given me not only of my beauty, but importantly of Yours'. I await your voice. Seek me with all your heart. The title of the last book I just finished. Be still and know that I am God. The verse that just became my soul's only desire.
You are my everything. I ask that You now be the only voice I hear. Draw me close to You.
In Your precious Name I pray,