Religion (n): a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Relationship (n): a connection, association, or involvement. connection between persons by blood. an emotional or other connection between people.
What do you think of when you hear the word Church?
Do you struggle with guilt?
Have fears about death?
Do you know your purpose in life?
What do you spend your free time doing?
What is the most important thing you own?
Are you joy-filled?
Do you do a lot of 'good things' and think that will get you into heaven?
Are those questions difficult? easy? As you read Matthew 7:20-23, did you really read it?
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord,Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven..."
NOT everyone will enter the Kingdom! You don't get into heaven by going to church, God's people are the Church. With Jesus' blood, your guilt is forgiven, not your own. If you have been saved, you have beaten death, for you are now living for Eternity. Your purpose becomes doing God's will for your life, it's individual, and yet working together as a Church toward a greater plan than you and I could never fully understand.
"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord did we not..."
MANY will say to me on that day, Lord I did this...I did that...for you. You can't do anything to get into heaven. Are you serving homeless food, did you put a dollar in the firefighter's bucket, or did you give of your time to help someone? Great! but still not good enough. Maybe you are rich; you can't take those things or that money or your house and buy your way into heaven. Without faith in Jesus' death and resurrection, there is no life in Heaven.
"Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"
"Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"
THEN I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you'. Jesus wants a deep and personal relationship with each and everyone of His children. He wants us to communicate with Him(prayer) our desires and struggles. He also wants us to open up His Word and see what His wants and plans are. The Holy Spirit works in the lives of those who have given their life to Jesus to illuminate His Word and direct our every step. He wants to know each of us, personally.
Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ. A religion tells you that you have to do this(work) and this(rules) and this(good) in order to receive salvation. Christianity says, stop trying, allow Jesus Christ to use His power to accomplish everything through you, and ultimately through that relationship only will you receive true Salvation. If you have placed your life in Jesus' hands, then you are Saved.
Why do I write this out? Because this is the very reason why missionaries are sent around the world. To proclaim this good news! Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and having accepted the commission to Go and make disciples of all nations... I will take this Truth, that it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and share it with those who God is preparing at this very moment. Missionaries use the gifts God has given them to go and fill a need somewhere in the world. Opportunities arise as needs are met and relationships are built among people so that Jesus' light shines through and the Holy Spirit is able to change hearts.
I have been writing this post over the past few days and I have been really thinking about this verse, and how Jesus states so clearly that He wants to know us. Know us, not just of us, but really know our every thought, desire, motivation and goals. A relationship with Jesus enables us to have that communion with God Almighty, the one is was and is and is to come. A relationship, not some rules to follow, but a personal forever relationship with God.
Do you have that relationship with our Savior? If you don't, all you have to do is pray and ask God to forgive you of your sins and tell Him that you want a forever relationship with Him. The Bible says in Romans 10:9: If you confess with your mouth that, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
How grateful I am for the simple truth that you bore my sins on you as you died on the Cross and rose 3 days later to beat death and provide a way for me, a sinner, to enter Eternity with you. My relationship with you means everything to me and I thank you for the openness that I can have to share my deepest struggles and worries. I have peace knowing you hear and know everything that has happened, is happening and will happen in the future. As I walk each step, my prayer is that I will stay in sync with you as you have prepared a perfect plan for my life to be a small piece of the puzzle toward an even greater good.
I have such excitement in knowing that you have called me to Go and fulfill your commission to make disciples. So much of me just wants to get on a plane and go now but your timing is perfect and you have things that are part of your bigger plan that need to be accomplished here during this time. Help me to not overlook the mission field that is right in front of me. Help me to focus on what I need to be doing here, as well as take advantage of moments like this where I can focus on what the future holds. Jesus, it overwhelms me to think that you have chosen me to Go. Not everyone gets to and I count it an absolute privilege, as hard as it may be, to get the opportunity to take your love, power and Word to the people of Kenya.
Why do I write this out? Because this is the very reason why missionaries are sent around the world. To proclaim this good news! Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and having accepted the commission to Go and make disciples of all nations... I will take this Truth, that it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and share it with those who God is preparing at this very moment. Missionaries use the gifts God has given them to go and fill a need somewhere in the world. Opportunities arise as needs are met and relationships are built among people so that Jesus' light shines through and the Holy Spirit is able to change hearts.
I have been writing this post over the past few days and I have been really thinking about this verse, and how Jesus states so clearly that He wants to know us. Know us, not just of us, but really know our every thought, desire, motivation and goals. A relationship with Jesus enables us to have that communion with God Almighty, the one is was and is and is to come. A relationship, not some rules to follow, but a personal forever relationship with God.
Do you have that relationship with our Savior? If you don't, all you have to do is pray and ask God to forgive you of your sins and tell Him that you want a forever relationship with Him. The Bible says in Romans 10:9: If you confess with your mouth that, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
How grateful I am for the simple truth that you bore my sins on you as you died on the Cross and rose 3 days later to beat death and provide a way for me, a sinner, to enter Eternity with you. My relationship with you means everything to me and I thank you for the openness that I can have to share my deepest struggles and worries. I have peace knowing you hear and know everything that has happened, is happening and will happen in the future. As I walk each step, my prayer is that I will stay in sync with you as you have prepared a perfect plan for my life to be a small piece of the puzzle toward an even greater good.
I have such excitement in knowing that you have called me to Go and fulfill your commission to make disciples. So much of me just wants to get on a plane and go now but your timing is perfect and you have things that are part of your bigger plan that need to be accomplished here during this time. Help me to not overlook the mission field that is right in front of me. Help me to focus on what I need to be doing here, as well as take advantage of moments like this where I can focus on what the future holds. Jesus, it overwhelms me to think that you have chosen me to Go. Not everyone gets to and I count it an absolute privilege, as hard as it may be, to get the opportunity to take your love, power and Word to the people of Kenya.
Use me Jesus as your hands' and feet so that your Kingdom is furthered and your Name is glorified.
In your name I pray,