Over this past year, God has taught me a lot about depending on His will instead of trying to tell Him my own. It has also been 12 months of amazing memories that I will hold on to for a long time. I will forever remember my trip to England and Ireland with Laura in March and specifically the flight back to the states, thinking the next time I fly international will be to the missions field. Last year I reflected on camp with ten girls and our nightly guest of a rat and black widow. This year I reflect on camp and think how God worked in and through the distraction of stomach sickness. (Probably something I will think about in years to come and possible see a lesson God was teaching me)
What exactly has God revealed to me about His will for my life over the past year? Well first, I was in Charlotte, NC for 5 days in May learning about SIM as well as searching for what exactly God wanted to do with my life. I left that training in love with SIM, and even more in love with God. I knew He was going to move mountains after that time, I had no idea at that point just how emotionally and spiritually trying the next few months would be as those particular mountains began to crumble. On July 24th, I received my signed placement agreement with Kenya! I was and still am so excited that God is sending me to Kenya, and He is growing my heart more and more for the people and culture that awaits me in the coming months. Then, the first 2 weeks of November, I returned to Charlotte for specific training on building relationships, orality and the Gospel, dealing with stress, computer encryption, saying goodbyes, child safety and a myraid of other things to prepare for cross cultural ministry. I returned with a passion to share about Kenya and what God is calling me to do. Over the last year He has grown in me a trust with finances, confidence in asking for support, and faith to let Him figure out the details.
As I think forward to the New Year, I see 6 months of continuing to prepare to move and my first 6 months in Africa (so exciting!). As these last 30 days of December have flown by with the help of the holidays, I am a bit timid to ring in the New Year. But it's coming whether I like it or not and more of me is excited than is not.
As I move into 2013, I sense that these next 6 months will be like climbing to the top of a mountain. And the goal to get there is July. I get to be beautiful feet on “the mountain” that I see God sending me to. The mountain is not a barrier, it is not something I must go around, as the childhood book goes, but rather I must climb, for my goal is at the top and the footprints as I get there, will be beautiful. And I also know my God will carry me through this time of preparation and into His glorious purpose, for He reigns!
Kenya…here we come!
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