Friday, February 3, 2012

Without You

Without You- Shane & Shane

I can walk through the storm. I can walk by faith when my sight is gone
Just as long as you are here with me And I can gain everything
But what do I have if I don't have the King. Oh I need to know you're here with me

(Chorus) Here I am calling out Father Can you hear me, can you hear me
I don't want to go without you Here I am can You talk a little louder
So I can hear You, I want to hear You I don't want to move without You
Even though I believe You've taken up a home inside me
And you'll never leave I still need to know You're here with me


If Your presence goes I don't want to stay If Your presence stays I don't want to goIf Your presence goes I don't want to stay If Your presence stays I don't want to go
I need You

(Chorus) x2

I could not write out my prayer any better than the lyrics to the song above. In many ways I feel as if I am walking blindly and all God is asking me to do is keep hold of His hand and walk by faith. Throughout my quiet time today, I feel like I kept saying over and over to God, “Here I am and I’m ready to listen. Can you hear me? I don’t hear you God, can you talk a little louder so I can hear because I want to hear You…now” And through the words to the lyrics I got a whisper in return, “Danielle, I am God who desires the best for you, and I’m asking you to wait on Me and My timing.” I felt as if I kept telling God: hello, I’m ready to listen, (even though these last few weeks have been quite crazy and I’ve acknowledged you at all the “right times”), I’ve carved out these couple hours in my crazy life and I’m asking that you meet me now. God isn’t asking for a couple hours when I feel ready. I need to make myself uncomfortable, I need to step outside my comfort zone, and meet Him daily.

So, basically, other than the quiet whisper, I didn’t really hear much. I read Deut. 11-13 where Moses is talking to the people before they are to enter into the promise land that, “warning!” false gods are going to appear before you, do not worship them, only Love the LORD your God. I also read through the book of James. A couple versus stuck out to me:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” –James 1:27

“Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this city or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” And it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” –James 4:13-17

As I begin to seek God out and continue to desire His will, I feel as though I am to wait patiently. I am to be still, and solely rely on the fact that He is God and I am not. I do not decide what tomorrow is going to look like and therefore I cannot decide what going to the mission’s field looks like either. I need to rest in today, in the amazing, overflowing blessings that He is pouring upon me where I am. I must continue to acknowledge that I am desperate for His guidance and will and that without Him each moment, I may drift away.

I love visuals. It something that I can glance at and acknowledge a moment in time where that object was used by God to speak to me or is something that I can remember something that I need to do. This timer represents time running out. The flow is continuous and the amount of sand inside represents how much time is to be observed. As I think about the mission’s field, I needed something to remind me to wait, to be still in the quiet, as if I’m anxiously awaiting the timer to run out, and allow God to work His will in my life. A timer, something in my life that means so much because I am so time oriented. Before I do anything, whether I have 5 minutes or 45 minutes, I always take a moment to gather my thoughts and plan out that length of time. My morning routine is the best example. I sit up in bed and go through the to-do list before I have to get out the door: contacts in, shower/do my hair, get dressed, deodorant, makeup, make coffee, get my breakfast together, have a plan for lunch, make my bed, make sure my house is in order, put on shoes, brush my teeth, put up window shades, turn off the heater, and walk out the door by 7am. Each step is thought out, I know what needs to be done and I can go through the process without really having to stop and think, what next? So as I think about time and how badly I love to plan it out, I was reminded by this timer that I can’t do that for everything. I can do my best to plan out moments, but God’s plans cannot be planned out. I must walk by faith, even if it’s blindly.

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