Sunday, November 6, 2011

"We are created to serve"

The Bema Seat- The Believer's Judgement- Pastor George Cuff
For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. -2 Cor 5:10

*We must abandon confidence in the flesh
- It's a sensory matter: a matter that will be experienced by our senses; "we must all appear"
- It's a service matter: we are created to serve, we are most fulfilled when we give our lives in service to God
 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will." - Romans 12:1-2
-It's a serious matter: The stewardship every one's work will become clear, because it will be tested by fire. What sort of work is evident in my life? What have I been building? What kind of materials have I been building with?

*It is time to remember that rewards will be gained or loss depending on how we steward our life: redeemed by his amazing grace
*It is time to realize the significance of the earthly service to our master

What a beautiful sermon by Pastor Cuff on what it means to live your life in service to Jesus until we are at that Judgement day where we await the precious words we all pray we will hear, "Well done good and faithful servant". I reflect on how many times he said that our life is about serving God, in whatever that means for you personally. Am I doing what God wants me to do now? Has he put me where I am now to prepare me for what's ahead? I believe He has and I am thankful for today, for the privilege to serve such amazing people, and I am also thankful for what God has in store for me in days to come. Until then, I continue to pray for His guidance, His will for my life to be accomplished, and for me to continue to serve Him wherever that takes me.

I love you Jesus.

Below is a poem that Pastor Cuff referred to in his sermon regarding the Believer's Judgement.

I had a dream one fateful night with a message strong to behold.
The rapture trumpet pierced the night, the call to young and old.

Graves were open to the sky yielding the body contained.
I saw each person take to the fly no longer by death restrained.

I too was caught up to the sky, for the Savior was calling His bride.
To this world, I bid goodbye with thousands by my side.

Soon I saw the streets of gold and saints from every age,
Saints whose very lives were sold, who faced the devil’s rage.

An angel announced the wedding feast and the marriage of the Son
To His church from sin released, the bride the Savior won.

But first there would be a Judgment Day with Christ at the Bema Seat.
This meeting is not a time to pray but to examine the balance sheet.

I saw folks considered great who squirmed at what was revealed.
Selfish motives sealed their fate with rewards forever repealed.

Many there were who talked a good game, but the Judgment was thorough indeed.
They bowed their heads in regret and shame for failing their brother in need.

I saw a humble, lowly man whom Jesus placed on high.
He daily sought the Savior’s plan; never turned a blind eye.

He was exalted with heaven’s praise for serving the King of Kings;
Appointed by Jesus for thousands of days as ruler o’er many things.

I trembled as I stood in line considering my earthly life.
I remembered those awful times my heart was filled with strife.

I wondered what the outcome would be when Jesus examined my heart.
Would there be anything left to see that would a reward impart?

Then came that fateful moment in time when Jesus looked into my face.
“I saw how you wanted your light to shine when you trusted my saving grace.”

“Yes, you had many faults indeed, but your service was faithful and true.
I note your desire my words to heed; I have a crown for you.”

Just then I awoke my heart aflame to respond to the Savior’s call.
I resolved to make it my highest aim to give my Master my all.

“Make me a slave,” I cried aloud. “Forbid that I play the fool!
May my heart be soil plowed yielding fruit for You.”


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