Monday, January 21, 2013

Support Progress 1.21.13

This whole raising support and moving to another country thing, it is not some little decision. I'm sure by now, all of you have realized exactly what I am undertaking (with God's leading and help of course!), but to be honest, I have not. Even as financial gifts have been pouring in and people share they are praying for me, it all just doesn't make since.

Reality check. I'm moving to Kenya in less than 6 months. And I'm moving to Kenya to live in a village with  people who speak 100% not English and I will have running water- conditionally and power- on and off. Yes this is different. Almost 8 weeks ago now, I received an email with a curve ball for prayer. An opportunity to live in a village had opened up and I was asked to pray about it. I prayed alright. I read God's Word like I had never read before, I prayed as if I knew God was going to answer. And He did. I have gone back to the Exodus account of Moses and the burning bush so many times for encouragement during this process. It was in this piece of Scripture that I found my answer. God was going to give Moses a sign after he brought the Israelite's out of Egypt. And the sign Moses would receive you ask? Moses himself worshiping God on the mountain. As I take this step of faith, God will affirm my steps. I no longer will be living in Nairobi and walking to the slum each day. I will be living about 8 hours East of Nairobi in a small village along the coast. And I couldn't be more excited for the opportunity that God has opened up to share His love with these families. (I will share more details in my next March newsletter about the village and will be posting my journal I kept regarding this curve ball soon!)

Reality check #2. God is my provider in every way. Your generosity has been so encouraging as I have received almost daily financial gifts ranging from $10 to $1,000! As of Friday, my monthly support reached 20% pledged/giving and my one-time needs reached 37%. It is so humbly as I realize more and more that this is not my ministry, but God's and this is about Him and not myself. Here is a wonderful picture of how it is all connected!
Heavenly Father,
  It is beyond amazing to me to see you at work in my life. You are so real and intimate to me. I love that you are so BIG that I will never fully understand You, and yet, through your Word, You are revealing yourself more and more to me each day. Thank you for hearing my every prayer. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit, who dwells within me and helps me to understand your will for my life. Thank you for the specific purposes you have for me, which were planned long before I was even thought of. Thank you for wanting to use me to further your Kingdom. Thank you for Jesus, for his example of a perfect life, and His mercies which are new every day. Thank you God for loving me the way you do. 
  I pray God that you would continue to work in your children's hearts to want to be apart of your ministry in Kenya. I pray that you would continue to grow my faith as you provide the support for this ministry that you have allowed me to be apart of. Thank you Lord for those you have already called and have taken the step to make the commitment to You to give to the families in Kenya. May you abundantly bless them and allow them to see how their support is furthering Your Kingdom. May we all see You in this process and continually offer you the praise and glory you desire as You provide. 
                              I pray all these things in the Mighty name of Jesus,

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