Friday, November 16, 2012

SIMGo: friendships & food

Community. I really feel like that word summarizes all the amazingness that has happened over the past two weeks. If it wasn’t for community, this experience would have been very different. Everything I did involved community, and the connection we now share is one that no one will ever understand outside of the 21 adults and 8 kids that went through this process together. There were many tears, ridiculous amounts of stomach hurting laughter, and relationships that are grounded on the Lord and this journey to cross cultural ministry that we all share together. After today, we go our different directions, but we leave knowing we are all working towards the same goal, to bring the gospel to all nations.
This last week, one of the things we had to do was present to a group of SIM staff as if we were presenting our story to an audience back home. Before the big day, we had several sessions that taught us about the famous “hook” story, what to include, what not to include, and so on. As a group, most were dreading this day (for me because I put my powerpoint together the night before and really wasn’t feeling confident about the specific SIM information I needed to know…I’m such a procrastinator, some things just never change). Wednesday night, in an attempt to break up the time spent in front of our computers preparing our presentations, we piled in a van and took a trip to a delicious frozen yogurt place called Yoforia.
Exhibit A:
 photo (4)
Inside you would have found Pumpkin Spice Yogurt with crushed graham crackers… aka Pumpkin Pie!
Back to the presentation… so worried, a bit scared, but really unsure of how it was going to go. I heard stories of “for real” presentations not going well, but after watching two fellow participants do theirs and do fine, I figured, I got this. So I confidently got up, began talking, got about half way through and all of the sudden my computer decided it needed to configure updates, 3 of them! I did a double take, looked at my audience, realized I wasn’t going to get my powerpoint back, and I completed my presentation without my pictures, statistics, and beautiful artwork! I managed to successfully finish, on time, and include all the necessary information I needed to. They gave me much grace as they asked questions and I walked away the poster child for what to do when something goes wrong.
Today, after signing our life away, I was so excited to do some experimenting with my new friends who lovingly support my obsession for cinnamon. We have a great kitchen that has allowed us to store breakfast stuff, make delicious apple cider, and of course, a tube of cinnamon rolls… but no ovens. I got desperate about a week ago and really wanted a cinnamon roll. I looked online and found a recipe that realized it was possible, I could cook a cinnamon roll in the microwave. Today was the amazing day we got to try it out! We worked together and figured it out and this is what we devoured:
Recipe: 1 bowl, a bit of butter smeared across the bottom and sides, place a plate over the bowl with the cinnamon inside (of course), and place in microwave for 3 minutes on 30% power… after that, eat and be merry!

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