Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Take my Life

The Compelling Force of the the Call

Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! -1 Corinthians 9:16

"To be "separated to the gospel" means being able to hear the call of God (Romans 1:1). Once someone begins to hear that call, a suffering worthy of the name of Christ is produced. Suddenly, every ambition, every desire of life, and every outlook is completely blotted out and distinguished. Only one thing remains- "separated to the gospel." Woe be to the soul who tries to head in any other direction once that call has come to him." -Chambers, Feb 2

That's what I woke up to this morning. That's the feeling in words that I feel down to the last detail. All I want to do is share the gospel with a group of people outside my world. I've just noticed in the last few days as I have finished school, everyone asks the question what next? My answer- whatever God has for me. But He has given me this calling and I must go.

My prayer every day is for God to once again reaffirm that 1. You still want to use me in this way and 2. Becoming a part time missionary is something I must follow through with. So I'm not just going to go through my day and expect God to show me through that, even though He is perfectly capable and will. But I chose today to take another step of faith. A God connection I must say through the small group I was attending for a short time led me to a dear dear friend who is involved with missions at Shadow. I told her of my desire to become a missionary, my heart is for Romania but I'm open for anything (honestly, my thought was that Shadow Mountain Church didn't have any missionaries in Romania). She says, well actually we do have a couple who is part of an organization but are members here and looking forward to go soon.

She then asked if I would like to meet another man who was in the office right next door of course and is charge of all communication between our church and the missionaries we support around the world. A few minutes into our conversations and I'm getting all the details, he was totally on board with connecting more with this couple and seeing if my gifts would be helpful to them. I left speechless. I had to hurry to a meeting so I wasn't really able to process that conversations but I still just sit here in awe of God. He must know me well because He has protected me from any sort of discouragement. This whole thing is completely new to me and everyone I have talked to (which hasn't been a whole lot) has been so supportive and encouraging. Praise be to God! And it continues...

Through another discussion I find out that this couples recent prayer/praise from this last year is their successful completion of bible schools! Obviously God has given me the gifts He has for a reason and I am blessed to have them and want to use them in whatever way He best wants to. How amazing would it be to get the opportunity to take my gifts to people in a country where God is not worshipped with the same freedom we have. I get the privilege every week to minister to children who, the majority, are getting bible teaching at home as well. To support these families is the highlight of my week and to see these children learn about the Lord and understand the love of Jesus is so incredible. How amazing would it be to take that experience and share it with children who may have never known the love of Christ. I am filled with such joy that God has given me this small glimpse into the workings of His hands. My prayer tonight is to continue to walk beside, not taking a step out of line but remaining in tune with the rhythm of Jesus' feet.


How grateful I am to get the opportunity to come before you tonight and praise You for the Creator and Sustainer that you are. As a child I dreamed dreams. As a child of Your's, I now get to live blessings. I never once in a million years as a child growing up pictured myself as a missionary. When I became saved, never did I see You using me in this way. Even going through school, getting my degree, up until almost a month ago did I think I would be even thinking of this. It is not the norm, but I am definitely not the norm. I don't live by the book (unless it's by the Word) and you have called each and every one of us to something specific. I am overwhelmed with You. And I'm truely speechless. Thank you for once again answering my prayers and allowing me to see into your workings. I pray I continue to have open eyes and ears to see and listen and that I do not become sidetracked.

Focus my thoughts, each and every one of them, on You. May everything I do be pleasing and good. May you convict me in my wrongdoings and point me toward your grace and mercy. May you fill me in whatever way that looks like so that I can serve you and be renewed by your Holy Spirit. Father it is the sunday school song I have been singing over and over with my kiddos each week, Create in me a clean heart of God that I might serve you, create in me, a clean heart of God that I might be renewed. So fill me, and heal me, and bring me back to you, create in me a clean heart of God that I might serve you. That is my utmost prayer. I love you. I want to serve you in whatever way You have for me. Take my life for it is your's.

In Your name I pray,

Take my Life by Chris Tomlin

Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee. And take my moments and my days let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands and let them move, at the impulse of thy love. Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee. Take my voice and let me sing, always only for my king. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages for thee. Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as you chose.

Here am I. All of me. Take my Life, It's all for Thee.

Take my will and make it thine, it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart and is thine own, it shall be thy royal throne. Take my love my Lord I pour at your feet its treasure store, Take myself and I will be every, only, all for thee.

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